About Ragging: Ragging in any form is banned inside and outside the campus. Strict action is taken against persons flouting this rule;
no leniency is shown. Suspension and/or withdrawal from the hostel/ college is the first action against the offender.
The Supreme Court of India has also defined ragging as acriminaloffense.
Definition of student ragging:
Any conduct by a student, whether by words spoken or written or by an act which includes physical abuse, lewd acts,
teasing, rough or rude treatment, indulging in rowdy, undisciplined and obscene activities which causes or is
likely to cause annoyance, undue hardship, physical or psychological harm or mental trauma or raise apprehension or
fear in a fresher / junior student or other students or forcing a student to do any act which such a student is not
willing to do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment or danger to a student’s
life or adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.
Mandatory Reading Material for all Students of GEC Lakhisari
The legal definition of ragging is as follows:
1. ‘Ragging’ means the doing of any act which causes, or is likely to cause any physical, psychological or physiological harm of apprehension or shame or embarrassment to a student, and includes
2. (a) Teasing or abusing of playing Practical joke on, or causing hurt to any student.
(b) Asking any student to do any act, or perform any thing, which he/she would not, in the ordinary course, be willing to do or perform.
3. Ragging is different from other crimes because the motive is solely to get perverse pleasure. Ragging is also different from other crimes as it is actively promoted by certain sections of the society.
Following types of abuses and activities will be termed as ragging:
- Physical abuse: For example, forcing to eat, drink or smoke, forcing to dress or undress.
- Verbal abuse: For example swear words and phrases, direct or indirect derogatory references to the person’s appearance, attire, religion, caste, family or chosen field of study.
- Forced activity: For example
- 1. Chores for seniors e.g. copying notes, cleaning rooms, etc
- 2. Missing classes. Not being allowed to study.
- 3. Staying awake late or getting up at unreasonable times.
- 4. Singing or dancing or performing in any other way.
- 5. Using foul language or shouting or cheering loudly.
- 6. Misbehaving with strangers, particularly women.
- 7. Reading or browsing porno-graphic/objectionable material.
Lifestyle restrictions: For example
1. Not allowing certain kinds of clothing or accessories e.g. jeans, belts etc.
2. Enforcing rules regarding shaving or oiling hair. Forcing certain kinds of dress.
3. Restricting access to parts of the hostel e.g. common room.
4. Requiring certain modes of address i.e. seniors should be called Sir or Ma’am.
5. Requiring a particular wake-up time.
2. Conversational mind-games: Particular forms of interaction in which a senior or set of seniors manipulates the conversation so as to humiliate the first year student or make him/her feel stupid or insecure or generally threatened.
Observation and Directives of the Supreme Court:
1. The Supreme Court of India has observed that enrolment in academic pursuits or a campus life should not immunize any adult citizen from the penal provisions of the laws of the land.
2. According to the directions of the Supreme Court if any instance of ragging is brought to the notice of the administration or the faculty, it is legally binding on the institute to report the matter to the Local Police.
Our Directives to the Seniors:
Any interaction between freshers and seniors where the seniors are friendly, welcoming and non-aggressive is encouraged.
Seniors may solicit participation in clubs and other activities by announcing promotional events at well designated times and places. However, no fresher should be forced to attend. Participation by freshers can only be voluntary.
Seniors are expected to maintain self-imposed discipline and restraint. In particular, they must be careful
Any “interaction” outside public areas.
Visiting freshers’ rooms during the interaction period, or inviting freshers to their rooms.
Forcing freshers to sing, dance or perform in any way under the guise of “talent search” or “interaction”.
Being over-enthusiastic about making freshers participate in student activities – cultural or sports.
Anti Ragging Cell | |
Anti Ragging document by AICTE |
Anti Ragging Committee |
Do not rag, Just Interact |